Meeting Notes 2012-02-21
Tess mentions to Max Mintz that she's learning vim. He admonishes
her for choosing the wrong editor.
- Tess: His eyes lit up and flames came out of his nostrils.
It is a (common?) misconception that emacs and vim are basically the
same thing.
- Rafe: They're not the same at all. Our software isn't held together with duct tape, it's held together with parentheses.
At 6:12, the meeting hasn't started.
- Zach: Are we waiting for pizza?
Rafe: Someone should have a talk on easter eggs.
- Zach: M-x zone
Rafe: M-x psychoanalyze-pinhead
- I have SEEN the CONSING!!
Andrew wonders if he has to use the projector or if we can follow
along on our own computers.
- Andrew: I trust you to be able to do some things.
- John: Wait, I haven't installed emacs yet.
- John discovers the info page entry on SMTP.
- John discovers wikipedia-mode.el.
- Now that CETS made point to the web server instead of eniac, connecting to eniac via tramp is slightly more difficult. Maybe they should change it back?
Andrew complains that if you C-x C-f a file in a directory that
doesn't exist, it won't automatically run M-x make-directory.
- Mish suggests he fix it.
- He will name it braunstein-mode.
- Andrew: There's this guy on twitter, @emacsknight. You should follow him.
Andrew: There's a caculator in emacs, C-x * *. I believe that it
works in mysterious ways.
- It's Reverse Polish Notation.
- Rafe: Someone should make a TI-83 emulator in elisp.
There is, once again, a dongle of unknown owner.
- Mish: As long as we say the word "dongle" once per session.
Topics for next session?
Andrew wants to talk about the mark stack and C-u C-<SPC>.
- Mish: That might be overkill.
- Mish: It'll be useful in Network Security class.
- C-x C-x
Andrew wants to talk about the mark stack and C-u C-<SPC>.
Date: 2012-11-14 17:49:54 EST
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